Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Shades of Black Show crosses cultural boundaries

The Shades of Black Show promises to deliver more than a free talent show Saturday, Feb. 9, at the University of Idaho SUB Ballroom.
             The over 700 people who are expected to attend the free event, according to Leathia Botello, Coordinator of Multicultural Student Programs at U of I, will experience an evening of talent and culture from a variety of communities.
Many of the performers for this multicultural showcase are students from U of I and surrounding universities. Performances include dance, slam poetry, stand-up comedy and gospel singing to name a few.
One act that is sure to catch the audience's attention is that of sophomore Washington State University student, Drew Smith.
The road to the Shades of Black Show was almost cut short when Smith slept through the auditions for the 2013 show. However, fate stepped in and gave Smith and her partner, fellow WSU student, Kamella Kafiyeva another chance at the Shades of Black Show when the duo sent a video of their work to the show’s creator and producer, Kwapi Vengesayi.
Smith and Kafiyeva will be performing an original slam poem titled “The Recipe to Real”.
            “The recipe to real is more complex than just content like racism and sex” is the opening line to the piece.
            Smith describes this piece as something that people are sure to notice. Slam poetry is different from traditional forms in that it demands the audience’s full attention in an overt way. For Smith, slam poets are more direct in their messages, something that can be attributed to their passion for the words they are speaking.
            “It’s more than just what you’re saying, it’s how you’re saying it” said Smith.
            Poetry is part of a healing process for Smith. “It’s a great coping mechanism. I’m a writer…and when I can speak the pain it makes it a good feeling…it’s like personal therapy” said Smith.
            Smith hopes that through her performance at the Shades of Black Show the audience can reach their own healing or, at the very least, come away with some kind of lesson.
            “At the end of the day as long as someone can connect with or feel what we’re saying it’s a job well done” Smith said.
            Other performers in the Shades of Black Show line-up share Smith’s sentiments.
            Senior WSU student David Osei will perform a stand-up comedy routine, and describes the show as a cathartic experience not only for the performers, but for the audience as well.
            “[The Shades of Black Show] is a chance for people to see the different shades of people, to experience a piece of other people’s lives when they give you what they’ve prepared…it’s like a gift” said Osei.
            Beyond the therapeutic potential of the show is the potential for cross-cultural interactions and understanding.
The director of God’s Harmony, the gospel choir to perform at Shades, junior WSU student Lareesa Blakely, conveys the show as an opportunity for people of all walks of life to come together in one venue and celebrate their differences.
“I feel like Shades of Black is open to everybody, especially those who aren’t open to these kinds of things…so that they can see that every culture is beautiful” said Blakely.
The possibility for open discussion surrounding diversity of culture and people is something that Leathia Botello, Coordinator of Multicultural Programs, looks forward to with the Shades of Black Show.
“I think that they will enjoy [the show] and get a lot from it, and hopefully it will help create a dialogue with them and the people around them” said Botello regarding first time Shades of Black Show attendees.
Smith, Osei, Blakely, and Botello all spoke to the potential for the Shades of Black Show to foster relationships that cross cultural boundaries. Each sees the Shades of Black Show as more than a showcase of talent.
“[The Shades of Black Show] is a beautiful look inside not only the black experience, but beyond that, and more people need to hear about it” said Smith.
Shades of Black Show, Feb. 9, University of Idaho SUB Ballroom, Doors open at 5 pm

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