Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Comma Splice Exercise

Comma splice? Yes or no. If it is a comma splice, fix the sentence.
1. “We just buy and sell real estate. It is what we do, but the market doesn’t dictate the price,” she said.
2. In 2007, while the average income in Washington was $55,628, the average income for Whitman County was $36,438.
3. Going green took on new meaning this year when WSU Waste Management announced dramatic changes to the recycling program in an effort to save money across the university. The city plans to follow suit.
4. “Take a little out of athletics, take a little from the library, and save the rest of the money,” Jones said.

5. Dan is using an emerging dairy trend. He installed an anaerobic digester two years ago.

6. He entered the three-mile race yesterday morning. However, he does not have any shoes.

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