Monday, April 8, 2013

Census Data Exercise

Finding County and City Data

·         Walla Walla County Census Data

o   18.2% of residents live in poverty compared to the 12.5% of residents of Wash. State who live in poverty

o   14.1% of residents have at least a bachelor’s degree

o   19.8% of residents speak a language other than English

o   3.8% of residents are unemployed

o   The average commute for workers is 15.3 minutes

o   6.6% of workers 16 years and older work in agriculture, forestry, fishing and dunting, and mining

o   13.9% of households earn less than $15,000

o   13.8% of households receive food stamps

o   The median earning for a male is $44,649

o   The median earning for a female is $35, 835

·         Address Search

o   85% of my neighborhood in Pullman is white

o   90% of my neighborhood in Walla Walla is white

o   There is not much of a difference in terms of the diversity among my Pullman and Walla Walla neighborhoods.

·         Poverty Map

o   The state with the highest poverty level is Mississippi with 22.4% of residents living in poverty

o   In the state of Washington, Whitman county has the highest percentage of residents living in poverty with 24.4% for all ages

o   In the state of Washington, Yakima county has the highest percentage of residents under the age of 18 living in poverty with 35.4%

o   In Washington state the three elementary school districts with the highest levels of poverty are:

§  Benge – 60.0%

§  Skykomish – 57.91%

§  Wapato - 46.1%


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